<aside> 💡 For the videos linked below, click the “SD” icon in the corner to change it to “HD” to ensure they are played back in full quality if you watch them fullscreen.


About Gw2Dat and Tools


Gw2Dat is a re-host of the Guild Wars 2 assets exported straight from the dat file. At this time we primarily host UI textures and have the intention of rehosting other assets in the future. The goal is to make accessing certain assets more accessible without the need of having to export the dat yourself (which can be incredibly time consuming).

You can access a texture by its asset ID with the URL: https://assets.gw2dat.com/assetidhere.png

For example:




Our search uses phashes and, in the alternative search method (not currently available), color matching to help you find the asset ID and original texture for game textures. You provide a snip of the texture or a raw one (such as one from the wiki) and a list of results are provided sorted by confidence.

The intention of this tool is to allow Blish HUD module developers to identify textures they need for their modules quickly and easily without requiring an export of the dat and hours to search through it.

It can also be used by wiki editors and others working on their own projects for whatever purposes they might have.

Our image search system allows you to search for textures taken via screenshot. You can search for images 2 different ways:

Search with Copy & Paste

Use your snipping tool (WIN + SHIFT + S) to select a region in game. Once captured, focus the search page and press CTRL + V to paste it. Once done, the search will immediately start.


Search with File Upload

If you have a texture already that you would like to search for, click the “UPLOAD” button and find it. Once submitted, the search will be performed.